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Planned Activities

     United Dialysis Foundation is being established to provide a vehicle to inspire and encourage individuals going through a difficult time in life by providing charitable theropeutic support and services.


     Beginning in the 2013 UNITED DIALYSIS FOUNDATION will work closely with local dialysis clinics and hospitals to identify and serve infirmed youth and adult by providing transportation, food, clothing, assistance with paying utility bills and many other service that may be needed. UNITED DIALYSIS FOUNDATION will seek to provide educational counseling and guidance to the infirmed and their families.therapeutic We will develop and coordinate in-hospital support groups to share with affected families in order to provide a practical and educational forum of family support and guidance through the storms of physical and mental malady. All such activities will be planned and coordinated by our volunteer board of directors and assisted/supported by volunteer social services professionals. 


     United Dialysis Foundation will offer continuous comfort by healing the mind and body through laughter and education.


Note: All of the program activites are and will be either Charitable, Religious or Educational and 100% of the oganizaion's efforts are dedicated to such activities.



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