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Make a Gift to the United Dialysis Foundation

Gift type:            


o     Memorial Gift:  Donate in memory of a friend or loved one.  The United                Dialysis Foundaiton will send a personalied card acknowledging your gift.


o     Honor Gift:  Make a Donation to commemorate a holiday, birthday,                        anniversary, or other special occation.  The special person you honor will            receive a card from the United Dialysis Foundation acknowleging your gift.


o     General Gift:  Support the United Dialysis Foundation with a Donation in              your own name.  The United Dialysis Foundaiton will send a personalied              card acknowledging your gift.


Gift Amonts:


o    $50

o    $100

o    $250

o    $500

o    $1000

o    Other [_____________]



Donation Type:


o     A one-time Gift

o     Recurring Gift

All non perishable items,  please be sure to have the proper labels on the outside of the box, informing the mail service of what the box contains.



                         United Dialysis Foundation, Inc.

                        46 Villa Rosa Lane

                        Temple, GA 30179



Thank you for your support

Founder Terrance D. Parkman





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